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The Best Pest Prevention Tips for New Homeowners

Top Pest Prevention Tips Every New Homeowner Should Know

In this guide, we’ll share top pest prevention tips for keeping pests out of your home. Follow these to keep your home safe, pest-free, and welcoming.

1. Seal Cracks and Gaps

Sealing cracks and gaps is a key way to keep pests out. Even small openings can let in ants, cockroaches, and rodents. Check your home’s exterior, like windows, doors, and the foundation, for any gaps. Use caulk or weatherstripping to seal them up tight.

Why It’s Important:

Sealing cracks keeps pests out and saves energy by stopping drafts. Pests seek warmth, so sealing your home makes it less appealing to them.

Actionable Steps:

  • Inspect your home’s exterior carefully.
  • Seal cracks around windows, doors, and the foundation with caulk.
  • Install door sweeps to block gaps under doors.
  • Make sure vents have fine mesh to keep pests out.

2. Keep Your Home Clean

A clean home is less likely to attract pests. Pests like ants, cockroaches, and rodents are drawn to food. So, keep your kitchen and other areas clean of crumbs, spills, and food waste. Regular cleaning helps prevent pests.

Why It’s Important:

Pests prefer homes with easy access to food. A clean home reduces pest chances and keeps your living space healthy.

Actionable Steps:

  • Wipe down countertops and tables after meals.
  • Sweep and vacuum floors often.
  • Store food in airtight containers, including pet food.
  • Empty trash cans regularly and make sure they have tight lids.
  • Keep sinks and drains clean and free of standing water.

3. Properly Store Firewood and Yard Waste

Many pests, like termites and ants, are drawn to wood piles and yard debris. Store firewood at least 20 feet away from your home and off the ground. Also, clear your yard of debris, like leaves or branches, as pests hide in them.

Why It’s Important:

Firewood and yard debris offer shelter and food for pests. Keeping them away from your home reduces pest entry chances.

Actionable Steps:

  • Store firewood at least 20 feet from your home.
  • Use a rack or platform to keep firewood off the ground.
  • Regularly remove yard debris, such as leaves and branches.
  • Trim shrubs and trees so they don’t touch your home’s exterior.

4. Fix Leaks and Eliminate Moisture

Pests, like insects, love moisture. Leaks in faucets, pipes, or clogged gutters create damp spots. These are perfect for pests like cockroaches, silverfish, and termites. Fix leaks fast and keep your home well-ventilated to avoid moisture buildup.

Why It’s Important:

Moisture attracts pests. Fixing leaks and reducing moisture stops many pest problems.

Actionable Steps:

  • Repair leaky faucets, pipes, and air conditioning units.
  • Clean out clogged gutters and ensure proper drainage.
  • Use a dehumidifier in damp areas, such as basements and crawl spaces.
  • Fix any roofing issues that may lead to water accumulation.

5. Install Window and Door Screens

Installing screens on windows and doors is great. It lets in fresh air while keeping pests out. Make sure all screens are intact and free of holes. Fix any tears or gaps right away.

Why It’s Important:

Screens block pests like flies, mosquitoes, and beetles from getting in.

Actionable Steps:

  • Install screens on all windows and doors.
  • Inspect screens regularly for any holes or damage.
  • Repair or replace damaged screens promptly.

6. Keep Your Lawn Well-Maintained

A well-kept lawn helps prevent pests. Overgrown grass, weeds, and dense shrubbery are pests’ hideouts. Regular lawn care reduces pest risks.

Why It’s Important:

Pests use overgrown vegetation to get into your home. A tidy yard blocks these paths and lowers infestation chances.

Actionable Steps:

  • Mow your lawn regularly and keep the grass short.
  • Trim back shrubs and bushes, keeping them away from your home.
  • Remove any standing water, like puddles or birdbaths.
  • Avoid over-watering your lawn, as it attracts pests.

7. Properly Store Trash

Trash attracts pests, like rodents and insects. Always use sealed, tight-fitting containers for trash. Never leave trash bags outside for too long, as it invites pests.

Why It’s Important:

Pests are drawn to trash’s food and waste. Storing trash properly keeps these attractants away.

Actionable Steps:

  • Use trash cans with tight-fitting lids.
  • Store trash cans away from your home, in a shed or garage.
  • Empty trash regularly and avoid leaving bags outside overnight.
  • Clean trash cans often to remove food residues.

8. Schedule Regular Pest Inspections

Regular pest inspections are key to preventing infestations. Professional pest control experts can spot problems early and treat your home. Getting inspections every two years or annually can save you from big pest problems.

Why It’s Important:

Early detection of pests stops infestations. It saves you from costly repairs and discomfort.

Actionable Steps:

  • Contact a professional pest control service for an inspection.
  • Schedule inspections annually or bi-annually, depending on your location.
  • Follow any recommendations provided by the pest control expert.

9. Use Pest-Repelling Plants

Some plants can keep pests away, making them great for your garden. Lavender, mint, rosemary, and marigolds can keep mosquitoes, flies, and ants away. Adding these plants to your garden or home can help protect against pests.

Why It’s Important:

These plants are a natural way to keep pests away. They also make your garden look better while protecting it from pests.

Actionable Steps:

  • Plant pest-repelling herbs like mint, rosemary, and basil around your home.
  • Use marigolds and lavender to deter mosquitoes and flies.
  • Keep plants well-maintained and prune them regularly to prevent overgrowth.

10. Educate Your Family and Neighbors

Everyone in your community should know how to prevent pests. Pests can move from one house to another. Working together can really help keep pests away.

Why It’s Important:

When everyone in the neighborhood helps, pests are less likely to spread. Teaching others about pest prevention is very effective.

Actionable Steps:

  • Share pest prevention tips with your neighbors.
  • Discuss pest prevention with family members and ensure everyone is aware of what they can do to help.
  • Consider organizing a community pest prevention event or workshop.

11. Inspect Items Before Bringing Them Indoors

Always check items like groceries, plants, and used furniture for pests before bringing them inside. Bed bugs, ants, and spiders can hide on these items and quickly infest your home.

Why It’s Important:

Pests can easily sneak into your home on everyday items. A quick check can stop pests from taking over.

Actionable Steps:

  • Check all items, including plants and furniture, for pests before bringing them inside.
  • Wash or clean secondhand items thoroughly before use.
  • Shake out grocery bags and inspect food items before storing them.

12. Keep Pet Areas Clean

Pets can attract pests like rodents, ants, and flies. Their food, water, and bedding can draw pests. Keeping these areas clean is key to preventing pests.

Why It’s Important:

Pets can unintentionally attract pests. Keeping their areas clean stops pests from finding food, water, or shelter.

Actionable Steps:

  • Store pet food in sealed containers.
  • Clean up spills around pet food and water dishes promptly.
  • Wash pet bedding regularly.
  • Check pets for fleas and ticks, especially after outdoor activities.

13. Inspect Your Roof and Attic

Roofs and attics can let pests like squirrels, birds, and rodents in. They can damage your home’s insulation and wiring. Regular checks can keep pests out.

Why It’s Important:

Checking your roof and attic stops pests from causing damage. Rodents can chew through wiring and insulation, posing fire hazards.

Actionable Steps:

  • Inspect your roof for damaged shingles or openings.
  • Ensure that your attic is well-sealed and ventilated.
  • Use steel wool to seal any openings around pipes and vents.
  • Consider installing a chimney cap to prevent pests from entering through the chimney.


Keeping pests out of your new home is key. Start by sealing cracks and keeping your place clean. Also, don’t forget to schedule regular checks. These steps help stop pests before they cause trouble. This way, your home stays safe, comfy, and free from pests.

As a new homeowner, these tips are your best defense. They help keep your home healthy and valuable. For extra help, reach out to a reliable pest control service.

They can do inspections and treatments that fit your home’s needs. You’ll have a pest-free home for many years by following these tips.